I would like to swap out my steering rack. My power steering is going out (It has 230k miles)I would like to just get rid of the power steering and replace the rack for a manual one (as this is getting old as well). Is this possible without having to change out the universal joint, and the outer tie rods (replaced last year)?
I would like this to come out LESS expensive than just replacing my Power steering pump and old rack. Looking on line i see some for $450 for the rack, u-joint, and outer rods.
Any one out there know of a really good 5.0 forum or something to that effect?
Where there any ford cars on the Fox body that had manual steering that i can just go down to autozone and buy a manual rack from them. That would be ideal, and probably much cheaper.
1987 5.0 question about steering.?
Autozone rack part number 6804. Use Flaming River steering adapter (I can't find the part number).
1987 5.0 question about steering.?
It's actually a fairly common swap, %26amp; there are kits out there with the necessary pieces. I don't know about the tie rod ends, tho. Net search for a Fox body power steering delete, or go to some of the mainly Mustang parts houses, like Brothers, %26amp; I'm sure you'll find what you need..
Before you go out and buy any parts check out the link below. Now I know this is for a Miata, but the principle remains. There are other differences some times in racks (like number of turns lock to lock), but the way they work is the same.
You have already decided the old rack is trash, so why not take a look and see if you can do it. A simple way is to just use a tube to connect the right side to the left side. This allows the rack to remain intact. Then removing all unused lines and the pump. Plug the ones where they enter the diverter control.