Monday, September 19, 2011

Can u decide 2 change ur mind about issues in a singed separation agreement before they get a divorce?

Here is my situation like the above question: I'm in Georgia.

I told my attorney reading through the separation agreement that my spouse attorney put together that I was not in agreement. She had changed several things that I requested and added things to his benefit. A key area is joint custody of the children. His attorney quickly had on on the record with the court reporter saying we would do joint custody with joint support. Then went off the record to discuss the division of expenses. My husband would not agree to pay half on any expense. I felt that I gave agreement in good faith that we would divide the expenses equally. I pointed out to my attorney per section seven of the agreement after weighing that outcome of the settlement I was not in agreement.

Futher we went to court it was suppose to be the day we went before the judge. We mediated made several changes to the settlement. My attorney hands me the back two pages and it has been notarized already to sign, it wasn't attached to a final version of the agreement. I never saw the notary. We did not see the judge and have to be rescheduled to December.

How can I have this agreement voided?

Can u decide 2 change ur mind about issues in a singed separation agreement before they get a divorce?
fire him

hire a different attorney

your new atty will handle this problem

good luck. this is hard. take it slow and ask lots of questions and think ahead to the future. make lots of lists.
Can u decide 2 change ur mind about issues in a singed separation agreement before they get a divorce?
I have to agree, it sounds as though your atty is working for the wrong side. This is an important issue, do not let it go. Your atty needs to do what you wish, what you request of him/her, if they aren't doing that, then you need to fire them. This could be the difference between adequate support and seeing your children.

You do need to get rid of this lawyer immediately and be incredibly clear as to why you are doing so. Then, contact another lawyer and explain the situation. I imagine this needs to be done quickly to void that agreement that was just made, if it isn't voided, then you could be really messed over.... Do this as soon as you can.

This is to important to let an atorney or ur ex to screw you on make sure you do nothing and speak up about anything that been done with out your consent
You need to discuss this with an attorney.