we'll a week ago i smoked this bud with my boys it smelled like metallic but where like who cares so we roll a joint and smoke it and like we did 7 hard hits and like 5 Min's later when were walking on the grass in the park the grass are the move slowly when i look at it like everything was skipping around and like 3 second later i see this scarecrow in the park but it disappeared and the my vi son gets all wobbly and i could barely even walk. and we walk passed this store that had a wearid name like cho coc and when i went pass it when i wasn't high the name changed. u guys think my weed was laced?
Was my weed laced with pcp?
Ever see Frydays.
Was my weed laced with pcp?
Maybe its just really good shXt? you get it form mexico?
cuz my grass is from mexico and it has effects related to what you mentioned
, ur kind a dumb