Thursday, September 15, 2011

When giving custody to my ex, should i inform the courts i plan on joining the navy?

long story short i am changing from joint custody of my child to giving my ex full custody and me visitation. i would like to join the navy, but i dont want the courts to think it is the only reason i am changing custody (u cant join if u have custody of a child). has anyone been thru this or have any advice? thanks
When giving custody to my ex, should i inform the courts i plan on joining the navy?
Who told you that you can't join if you have custody? That doesn't stop mothers from joining, than using it to prevent being deployed.

When giving custody to my ex, should i inform the courts i plan on joining the navy?
In a way, I think that would actually count in your favor. It would show that you know that the kid's welfare in mind and that you are thinking of what the best situaltion would be for your child once you are in the service.
I wouldn't do that. My husband is in the army and we weren't married at the time he joined. We had to do a lot of paper work POA and a signed paper giving temporary custody since Im the mother if something happen to me while he was gone they need to make sure someone can take care of the kids.

I would get everything in written. I wouldn't give him/her full custody. I would get a document notarized saying he is to take over custody in case something happens to you and that in the mean time you give him temporary custody while you go through your navy training.Just keep renewing it every time you have to leave for long periods. unless that is what you want and you are okay with that then do it how you want if you ex is also okay with it.
Why did the courts give you full custody and deny the mother?? Is there something wrong with her? If so I don't think she would be a good choice for full custody. Maybe your parents should be better.

I am for you joining the Navy. You will be able to help your child out. Good luck to you!!