Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Roaring sound coming from the front of my 91 Ranger.?

Its a really nasty sound that only happens when I either let of the gas, or not applying a lot of acceleration.

It goes away when I push the pedal down a little further.

I just changed the brake pads and I did the test to see if it was the bearings by shaking the wheel.

I know you won't be able to diagnose it with out hearing the sound but I am just wondering if it will even be able to make it on a 8 mile trip that I take daily?

What could this sound be?

A cv joint? A U-joint? Bearings still a possibility? Bent hub? Anything would be greatly appreciated!..

Thanks in advanced.
Roaring sound coming from the front of my 91 Ranger.?
I would check the u-joint on your driveline..